Stop the Inhumanity at Europe's Borders! Razor-wire fences and naval blockades. Pushbacks on land and…

International Day of Peace 2018
Yesterday, EMERGENCY‘s Surgical Centre for Victims of War in Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan, celebrated 14 years of activity. Since 2004, our local and international staff have carried out 51,822 surgical interventions and treated 142,620 patients at the hospital. In the first six months of 2018, the number of admissions has been higher than ever. More than 80% of the people that arrive are war victims, and one in three are children.
These are numbers from a war that shows no sign of ending. We’ve decided to share these numbers with you today, on the International Day of Peace, so that our message of peace, solidarity, and respect for human rights, which we have always promoted, may soon bring about a present and future without wars. Because “Only the practice of peace can inspire belief in peace.” GinoStrada