Since 1994, EMERGENCY has addressed the consequences of conflict and poverty, with the hope that…
Iraq: I Found So Many People Around Me
Since 1998, EMERGENCY’s Centre for Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, has provided prostheses, physiotherapy and vocational training to people affected by war and landmines. Aram is a recent graduate of the Centre’s vocational training programme, which has led to the formation of over 350 cooperative businesses.
“I was injured on 20 September 1998 by a landmine while shepherding near my village of Kolitan. One day, I was with my animals close to the village and I wasn’t aware that there were landmines in the surrounding fields. I stepped on one and, suddenly, people that heard the blast knew there had been an accident and came to help me. After I received surgery, I was referred on for medical and physiotherapy services at the Rehabilitation Centre. This is where my prosthesis was made.
I applied to take part in the 2018 Vocational Training Programme and I was accepted. Before I participated in the Course, I was very down, but after having been admitted, I found so many people around me – the teachers, staff and other disabled people – that were really encouraging. I managed to change my mindset and I am feeling very positive now. EMERGENCY gives hope to disabled people to return back into society, with a combination of high quality of prostheses and economic independence.”
Aram successfully graduated from the programme and is now an expert in PVC crafting! And we just received more exciting news: Aram and EMERGENCY are applying the finishing touches to his very own PVC workshop cooperative, which is due to open this week – huge congratulations!