EMERGENCY continues to deliver free, high-quality care in the midst of war.

“These are the Moments, or Rather the Gifts…”
Meet Arafa, Eleonora and Dr Juha. They are pictured at the Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery where the little one is recovering after undergoing cardiac surgery, performed by Dr Juha.
Eleonora has stood alongside Arafa and her mother during this delicate process. She wanted to share this happy story with us.
“Arafa received her operation on 29 April and I followed her, day after day, during her recovery.
Dr Juha had confirmed that Arafa’s cardiac surgery went well. After two days in intensive care, she was transferred to sub-intensive care, where she had a slightly longer stay because of what Is called a ‘pericardial effusion’ which was treated immediately.
Now, everything is going well and Arafa is receiving physiotherapy and following the normal post-operative course. In a few days, she will be discharged and allowed to return home.
When I met her mum again, for the first time since moments before the surgery, it was beautiful and special.
She looked at me very intensely. Then, she gave us her blessing in Arabic for giving Arafa a future.
I get every emotional if I think back to her face, and I say to myself that these are the moments, or rather the gifts, that give meaning to everything that each of us does with, and thanks to, EMERGENCY.”