The ‘dueminuti. Atlante Storico di Emergency’ Project Wins a Silver IIIDaward in the ‘Editorial’ Category.

The IIIDaward is an international prize given every three years. It sets the parameters for design and points to the main social, cultural and economic factors that will influence the industry over the next few years.

It was created by the International Institute for Information Design (IIID), based in Vienna, where prize-winning projects are exhibited before going on to Lithuania, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Belarus, Germany, Poland and other countries. The works are also collected in a book.

dueminuti. Atlante storico di Emergency’ (‘two minutes: EMERGENCY’s historic atlas’) is a project by students on a master’s course in design, at a communication design workshop run by Luciano Perondi, Paola Fortuna, Simona Morini and Lorenzo Toso.  It was created in collaboration with EMERGENCY and consists of a historic atlas that comes to life in various forms: a book, website and board game.

The students spent a semester going over reports and documents given to them by EMERGENCY. They interviewed people from our organisation and worked in the seminar rooms at Iuav University in Venice and at EMERGENCY’s offices on the island of Giudecca in the same city.

Their work was supposed to be the basis of exams on 21 February and then of an exhibition on Giudecca, using cheap, recovered and recycled material, on 27 February. The latter had to be put off five days before when COVID-19 struck, forcing the university and EMERGENCY’s offices to close.

The exhibition will open to the public as soon as possible.

EMERGENCY is proud to share this award with Iuav University and specifically its master’s course in product design and visual communication. We look forward to collaborating on other projects in the future.


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