Afghanistan: 11 Nights Of Fighting In Helmand. Emergency: “We Remain Open And Continue To Receive Wounded Patients”
After 11 days of clashes between Afghan security forces and the Taliban, fighting continues in Helmand province.
After 11 days of clashes between Afghan security forces and the Taliban, fighting continues in Helmand province.
The Aurora Prize turns 5 this year! To celebrate, they will meet & honour #Humanitarians around the globe in a virtual event live from #NYC with Yo Yo Na, Wynton Marsalis and more special guests. The event takes place on…
Since Sunday, EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah has received 132 patients with war injuries.
Most of the patients we are currently admitting to the hospital suffer complicated injuries, which require complex surgery and a long hospital stay.
In the medical briefing meeting this morning, I saw 15 Sudanese medics and 11 staff from all around the world coming together to discuss and prepare today’s surgeries.
"Whilst in Doha there is talk of peace, the violence here in Afghanistan doesn’t stop. Civilians are already paying the price for this new wave of fighting in Helmand, " continues Puntin.
Amal will walk the same path that so many have and continue to.
‘In our everyday work for almost two years now, we’ve seen with our own eyes the effects of the ‘Security’ legislative decree on thousands of people’s lives.