Everyone Has the Right to a Chance.

Different people waiting for something.
A mother and a father holding a pink backpack, two friends in a waiting room somewhere in the Middle East, a girl with a cello who’s accompanied by her mom, and even a Texan man: every single one of them awaits for a moment, or for someone, that is very important to them.

Only when a door is opened and a doctor shows up calling “the next one”, we finally get to know what this is all about. We find out that every person was waiting for life-changing news: the diagnosis of a disease.

“Everyone has the right to a chance”: it is our wish for 2021 and this year’s video theme by EMERGENCY, in collaboration with Ogilvy.

A lot of people all over the world don’t have access to or can’t afford the costs of medical treatments they need. EMERGENCY shares its wishes for the new year reaffirming its commitment and desire to work towards free, accessible and high-quality healthcare for everyone.


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