"He was playing in a field with his little sister. They saw something that looked…

“EMERGENCY Is Open for People Here and Always Will Be, Inshallah”.
In Afghanistan, Alberto helps promoting a culture of peace in the way we know best: by providing free, quality healthcare to whoever needs it. He is a nurse and now our Medical Coordinator based at EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre for War Victims in Kabul: “Over the last 20 years we have developed very good expertise in managing surgical trauma emergencies and mass casualty events. If for any reason our hospital closed, it would have a huge impact on the local community.”
Indeed the local community urgently needs substantial healthcare support. Every single day of EMERGENCY’s presence here means care for victims of this endless conflict.
“Care means to be interested. Care means to stay beside people.” Alberto has demonstrated that solidarity over the years. His eyes have seen a lot as a nurse, starting in Sierra Leone in the midst of the Ebola crisis, to Iraq…but it’s Lashkar-Gah in Afghanistan that is home to one unforgettable memory: a boy with a war-related fracture, whose injury meant that he could neither sit nor stand, the pain so bad that he screamed almost constantly. From this awful situation, he was able to be discharged after several weeks of treatment and rehabilitation, testament to the tenacity shown by Alberto and his colleagues.
“Care also means establishing a system based on the local needs of the people. EMERGENCY is open for people here and always will be, inshallah”.