EMERGENCY Is Helping Sangar Return To School

This little patient between Burhan, physiotherapist, and Shamal, Ortho Technician, is Sangar. 

Sangar is just 10 years old. One year ago, he lost his right arm and right leg in an accident. He was on the roof of his house, at first to help his aunt wash it and then play by himself. While looking down at the yard from a height, he started feeling dizzy, lost his balance and grabbed a high voltage cable to avoid falling down. He received an electric shock. In just one year, Sangar went through two months of hospital admission and 18 surgeries.  

But, this picture speaks for itself.  His prostheses have allowed Sangar to take back his future. When children introduce themselves, they mention two things which mean the world to them—school and football—and Sangar is no different. He has returned to school, and we’re determined to help him continue playing football with his friends as he did before. 

At EMERGENCY’s Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Centre in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, people receive all the care they need in their rehabilitative path. As Shadman, our Orthopaedics Coordinator, points out: “It’s not once in their lifetime. They need continuous help, new prostheses, recasting as well as repairing, and follow-ups. There are people out there who would have no hope of getting prostheses if our services were not completely free of charge. We’re here for all of them.” 


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