"He was playing in a field with his little sister. They saw something that looked…

Quadruplets Born in Anabah
Mahsa, Mehruma, Mehran, Mahnaz
These four babies are siblings – quadruplets who were recently born at our Maternity Centre in Anabah, Afghanistan.
Being able to give birth in your hospital was a blessing,” their mother says. “In Kabul, I would have given birth at home.” She had left the capital city to visit relatives in the Panjshir valley, where our facility is also located. Then, she went into labour.”
She does not have enough breast milk for all four of her new-borns and will have to buy more. Living in a poor community on the outskirts of Kabul, the thought of how she will provide for her children is a constant concern.
Increasingly, malnourished mothers are arriving to our hospital, another consequence of the severe humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Many obstacles to accessing care, including cost, distance and lack of safe transport, make motherhood even more difficult.
Averaging 600 safe deliveries every month, in Anabah we assist mothers through every stage of their journey. The facility provides free, high-quality care to mothers and children, addressing health needs that remain unmet across much of the country.
We will not abandon Afghanistan.