World Day Against Human Trafficking 2020
Human trafficking is a scourge around the world. Today, we remind ourselves of the urgent need to end this inhumane and abusive exploitation. Trafficking takes many different forms, but common to them all is a lack of value for human life…
Italy: J. Has a Deathly Gaze. You Can Read in Her Eyes the Dramatic Events She’s Endured
J. is one of the survivors of the shipwreck on 6 November, 30 miles off the Libyan coast.
Libya: EMERGENCY Suspends Gernada Operations
Serious violence has forced EMERGENCY to suspend its operations in Gernada.
LIBYA: ‘His life is more important than his leg’
Najib, 22, was brought to our hospital in Gernada, Libya, a week ago after a bullet wounded his leg.
LIBYA: Treating the Wounded and Training Doctors
In Libya, we are not only treating the wounded, but also training Libyan healthcare professionals.
LIBYA: From Patient To Staff Member
Ramadan was a patient at our Surgical Centre for War Victims in Libya, but now he works with us. This is his story.
Libya: He’ll recover, but he’ll never forget
Meet Abdulla Hossain: a child casualty of the conflict in Libya.
LIBYA: Civilian Victims in a Borderless War
Mousa and Mohamed are just two of the many war victims that we treat every single day in our hospitals. They too are the civilian victims of a borderless war.
We are now back in Libya, providing medical and surgical treatment to the victims of war.