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A significant meaning
For people living in difficult circumstances, the word “free” has a significant meaning – especially when it comes to taking care of yourself. Even more so if one of the most important people in your life needs to receive treatment: your daughter. We are in Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan. Little Malalai fractured her arm while playing at…
In Afghanistan, Children Are Victims of the Legacy of War
“He was playing in a field with his little sister. They saw something that looked like a toy, so they picked it up.” As he shares their story, his 3-year-old son Nabi sits in a wheelchair across from us. One of Nabi’s hands has been amputated, and on the other he has lost two fingers.…
Updates From Sudan as Fighting Erupts Across the Country
EMERGENCY continues to deliver free, high-quality care in the midst of war.
Looking Back at 2024
Since 1994, EMERGENCY has addressed the consequences of conflict and poverty, with the hope that we would one day no longer be needed. 30 years later, our work around the world remains as necessary as ever. In 2024, in Gaza, Sudan and Ukraine, EMERGENCY’s teams provided healthcare in the midst of active conflict. Primary care…
EMERGENCY USA Annual Benefit Dinner 2024
On November 17th, nearly 100 supporters gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate EMERGENCY USA at the annual Benefit Dinner. During the evening, we honored former staff member Dr Michelle Foltz, an orthopedic surgeon who worked with EMERGENCY on 19 missions, including 15 in Afghanistan. As part of a larger ongoing project, Dr Foltz read excerpts…
“Since the war broke out, there is nothing left here”: Katerina’s Story
“Since the war broke out, there is nothing left here.” Katerina is 54 years old. She shares her story in front of one of our clinics in Donetsk Oblast, a province in eastern Ukraine that has been heavily impacted by the effects of the war. Essential services are scarce, and the health system has been…
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024: Jamila’s Story
It was 1991 and Jamila was nine years old. When a mine exploded, she suffered injuries all over her body, with the most serious affecting her right leg. Jamila is a patient at our Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Centre in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan. Here, we provide prostheses, physiotherapy and check-ups to help people like Jamila.…
“The Children’s Hospital of Entebbe” Radio Documentary Out Now
“By the end of their surgeries, many of the patients walk out as new people.” Earlier this year, journalist Lulu Jemimah travelled to the Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe, where EMERGENCY treats children from across Uganda and the wider region. More than half of Uganda’s population is under the age of 18, making access to…
“There are no safe places in Gaza.”
In recent weeks, the EMERGENCY team in Gaza has been conducting site visits for a health clinic that will provide essential first aid and medical care. Stefano Sozza, Head of Mission, provides an update on the humanitarian situation: There are no safe places in Gaza. Displaced families live in dilapidated structures, tents or very basic shelters consisting of…
Healthcare Support for the People of Gaza
In Gaza, health needs are enormous. Living conditions are unsustainable. The local hospitals that are still operational lack necessary staff and medicines, and are often overcrowded. In the absence of other facilities, the sick and injured turn to hospitals for needs that could usually be treated on an outpatient basis. The situation in the Gaza…
Quadruplets Born in Anabah
Mahsa, Mehruma, Mehran, Mahnaz These four babies are siblings – quadruplets who were recently born at our Maternity Centre in Anabah, Afghanistan. Being able to give birth in your hospital was a blessing,” their mother says. “In Kabul, I would have given birth at home.” She had left the capital city to visit relatives in…
Gino’s Words Ring as True as Ever
"The recognition of equality is the best antidote against war." Gino Strada passed away three years ago today, yet his words ring as true as ever. Gino spent his life putting his belief into practice, providing the care to which every human being should be entitled to. Today, more than 3,000 EMERGENCY colleagues continue his…
Special Envoy for Road Safety Visits Emergency’s Goderich Surgical Centre
On Wednesday, 19 June, EMERGENCY welcomed Mr Jean Todt, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, to our Goderich Surgical Centre in Sierra Leone. He was joined by the WHO’s Representative in Sierra Leone, Dr Innocent Nuwagira. In Sierra Leone, injuries and deaths from road traffic accidents remain a major public health concern. At EMERGENCY’s Goderich…
Sierra Leone Vice President Visits EMERGENCY’s Soda Programme
Recently, EMERGENCY welcomed Sierra Leone Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh to the Goderich Surgical Centre to see our Soda Programme: the only project in the country for the treatment of preventable burns from caustic soda ingestion. In Sierra Leone, many women make homemade soap from caustic soda as part of an initiative that began in…
CIVIL 7 2024: Perspectives on Global Health Equity
The Civil 7 The Civil 7 (C7) is a collaborative platform for civil society organisations to engage with the G7, an annual meeting of the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. EMERGENCY is proud to be a member of the Global Health Working Group of the C7,…
From 1994 to 2024: EMERGENCY Celebrates 30 Years of Providing Free, High-Quality Care
“The hospital of Kigali is deserted. Patients, doctors, nurses, almost all have been killed. There are five of us, but we will soon be joined by others.” In 1994, in the midst of the Rwandan genocide, Dr Gino Strada and the first EMERGENCY team began to work. Together, they restored the surgical and obstetrics and…
The Neglected War: Operational challenges during one year of conflict in Sudan
More than a year since the outbreak of war in Sudan, the country is facing one of the worst humanitarian tragedies ever recorded. With more than 20 years of experience delivering aid in Sudan, EMERGENCY has published a new paper on the possibilities and constraints of humanitarian interventions during the current conflict, entitled: Sudan, the…
Conditions continue to deteriorate. Humanitarian activities face major obstacles. One year of war and neglect: Sudan today Among the obstacles are continuous electricity blackouts and interruptions to the internet and telecommunications networks; exponentially increased fuel prices; shortages of basic goods; and difficulties in procuring essential medicines and equipment. One year after the outbreak of war,…
Till the Last Bird Sings: A Graphic Novel About Access to Care in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has almost vanished from the media since the withdrawal of international troops in 2021 despite suffering one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the world, which has had unprecedented social, economic and health repercussions. Extreme poverty is widespread, compounded by natural disasters. Meanwhile, EMERGENCY’s surgical hospitals continue to admit patients with violent trauma from…
In Lashkar-Gah, Admissions Are Dominated by Road Traffic Accidents
On Wednesday 21 February, EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Lashkar-Gah received 13 patients after a terrible road traffic accident in Helmand. Unfortunately, this isn’t a rare occurrence in Afghanistan. The Helmand region was once dominated by fighting, and our Surgical Centre was almost exclusively dedicated to treating victims of war. Now, civilian trauma patients make up…
EMERGENCY Joins Campaign “Stop the Inhumanity at Europe’s Borders!”
Stop the Inhumanity at Europe's Borders! Razor-wire fences and naval blockades. Pushbacks on land and at sea. Physical punishment by border guards, militia forces and vigilante groups. Detention without trial and confinement to squalid camps. Criminalization of aid workers. Deportation deals with rights-abusing states. On land and at sea, European states are obstructing and deterring…
“Beyond the Beach”: Full Documentary Film Available Now
EMERGENCY is happy to announce that Dover Street Entertainment’s documentary film, “Beyond the Beach – The Hell and the Hope”, is now available on Amazon Prime Video across the UK, US and Italy following its world premiere at the 76th Venice International Film Festival. “Beyond the Beach” follows EMERGENCY’s humanitarian projects in Afghanistan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, and…
A Cradle in the Mountains
Every month, around 600 babies are born in this hospital. For more than 20 years, families have travelled from all over Afghanistan to our Maternity Centre in the Panjshir Valley. At the specialised facility, opened in 2003 and expanded in 2016, we offer free, high-quality care to mothers and their babies. Our Centre is a point of…
Our 2023
From Sudan to Afghanistan, from Uganda to the Mediterranean Sea, over 3,000 EMERGENCY staff have worked together to provide free, high-quality care around the world, every day. As we reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next, we want to say a massive thank you to all of our supporters, colleagues and…
Our Wish for 2024
In the last 10 years, more than 28,000 migrating people have drowned in the Mediterranean. Our wish for 2024: No more indifference. No more deaths at sea. CREDITS Creative Agency: Ogilvy Italia President & Chief Creative Officer: Giuseppe Mastromatteo Executive Creative Directors: Lavinia Francia, Francesco Basile Client Creative Directors: Alberto Crignola, Nicolò Mondonico Head of Strategy: Luca Tapognani…
Testimonies from Life Support on International Migrants Day
For many people, migration means facing violence, abuse, death. In the central Mediterranean alone, over 28,000 people have disappeared since 2014 while attempting the crossing. At least 61 more people were victims of yesterday’s shipwreck off the coast of Libya, the latest we know of. And there are more deaths that no one knows about, people…
M., 14 Years Old, From Nyala
About three years ago, his life changed: the first symptoms of a disease that would compromise two of his heart valves appeared.
Providing Long-Term Care to People with Disabilities in Iraqi Kurdistan
Background Iraq is among the most heavily mined countries in the world: according to the Landmine Monitor 2022, over 1,200 km² of the territory is littered with landmines and over 500 km² more with improvised explosive devices (IEDs). In 2021, the United Nations Mine Action Service extracted 9,000 unexploded ordnances from the ground. Yet according…
11 Injured Treated at Goderich Surgical Centre Following Armed Clashes
Armed clashes and attacks on a military base and a prison took place on Sunday 26 November in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Following the clashes in the capital city, 11 injured people were received at EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Goderich, a district in the western area of Freetown. Watch an update from Samuele, Medical Coordinator at the hospital:…
On Giving Tuesday, Help Provide Free Healthcare to Someone in Need.
When you donate to EMERGENCY, you help provide free healthcare to someone in need. To a young child in Uganda, where surgery means finally being able to attend school. To a new mother in Afghanistan, where high-quality care means a safe delivery in a country with one of the world’s highest maternal mortality rates. To…
EMERGENCY has been helping Goodluck since he was just two days old.
Goodluck Cole’s father works three jobs while his mother, Lucy, is a full-time carer for the little boy. When Goodluck was just one day old, Lucy noticed that something was wrong. She was referred to EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Goderich, Sierra Leone, where our doctors performed a colostomy on the baby because of a genetic…
“I have never been to any hospital like EMERGENCY.”
Four-year-old Amol, left, poses for the camera with his friend, three-year-old Achiek. They met on the ward of the Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe, after travelling from South Sudan with our Regional Programme for Paediatric Surgery. Like Achiek, whose story we shared earlier this year, Amol was burned as an infant. Boiling water that was…
Kifatullah’s New Toy Exploded
Kifatullah, like most 9-year-olds, likes to play with his friends. One morning, they found something new to play with. They didn’t realise the object was leftover from the decades of war in Afghanistan. When it exploded, one of the children immediately died. Kifatullah and his other friend were badly injured. His uncle quickly found them…
We Have Been With K.M. for Every Step of His Care
K. M. and his friend had just been to a wedding in Sangin, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province. While waiting by the car to leave, the friend stepped on a landmine, killing him instantly and severely injuring K.M.’s face, eyes, and legs. Before losing consciousness, he remembers seeing one of his legs detached from his body.…
“Every day, I witness the care given to all the patients.”
Jamil Gul was on his way to a phone repair shop when he was stabbed by robbers. When the 21-year-old arrived at our Surgical Centre in Kabul, he was quickly taken to the operating theatre for emergency surgery to repair the knife injuries to his left lung and a major artery under his collarbone. For…
Teresa Taught Us How to Make the World a Better Place
“If everyone of us did our bit, the world would be a better place without us even realising it.” Let’s keep doing our bit, without stopping. To build a fairer, more equitable, and peaceful world for all. Teresa Sarti Strada, 1946 – 2009.
Surgery Saved Omar’s Life
The operation saved his life. Seven-year-old Omar lives in Afghanistan, a country still recovering from more than four decades of war. In April, Omar and two of his family members were rushed to the Kabul Surgical Centre after a landmine exploded, just one of tens of thousands of unexploded ordnance littering the country. One of…
World Humanitarian Day 2023
“Right now, our presence here is critical for cardiac patients in need of treatment and for surgical emergencies that cannot be treated in hospitals that have been bombed or closed.” From Sudan, our colleagues tell us why it is necessary to stay in the country. The war that began in April continues, and fighting has…
Afghanistan: Two Years on from August 2021
Amid the severe humanitarian and economic crises, EMERGENCY remains in Afghanistan and continues to provide free, high-quality care across the country. In the past two years, EMERGENCY has admitted over 41,000 patients at the Surgical Centres in Kabul and Lashkar-Gah and the Surgical and Paediatric Centre and Maternity Centre in Anabah. In the same period, our more than 40 First Aid Posts and Primary Healthcare Centres – connecting rural…
We Miss You, Gino
Gino Strada was a man of peace, turning medical gestures into acts of equality and justice. Striving, in every idea and each project, for the rights of all. We miss you Gino. Thank you. Gino Strada, 1948-2021. Illustration by George Butler.
“Without EMERGENCY, I wouldn’t be here to tell my story.”
Ajmal and his nephew were riding a motorcycle to visit his father in the hospital when they were in a road traffic accident. An ambulance brought Ajmal from a hospital in Wardak province to EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Kabul. The accident had caused serious trauma to his head and chest, and multiple bone fractures in…
Hashim is on the Road to Recovery
Hashim was riding his motorbike to the bazaar in Grishk, Afghanistan when he was hit by a car. While fighting in Helmand province, once a hub of conflict, has subsided, civilian trauma from road traffic accidents, stabbings and other injuries still requires major surgical interventions. The driver quickly brought him to EMERGENCY’s First Aid Post…
“EMERGENCY gave my son a chance.”
Amir does not speak. He does not know if he ever will again, because a landmine has torn his vocal cords. The friend he was walking with on the road where the bomb lay is dead. His father Munir, however, translates his every gesture and expression into words. Since Amir was injured three months ago,…
Major flooding and landslides have affected several districts near Kabul. EMERGENCY’s First Aid Posts in Jalrez and Ghurband have received 10 wounded, and two dead on arrival. As countries around the world are affected by natural disasters, those with already weakened health systems suffer greatly. “At our First Aid Post in Jalrez, the water and mud…
Now We Are Taking Care Of Amir In The Ward, Where He Is Improving Every Day.
Over three weeks, our surgical team saw Amir in the operating theatre every 48 hours.
“When I Grow Up, I Want to Be…”
At the Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe, we like to ask our young patients what they want to be when they grow up. Some, like seven-year-old Collins, say, “Policeman." Miracle, 7, says he doesn’t know, but he still has time to think about it. And many, like Kitenga Jesse, also 7, answer, “Doctor.” Caterina, one…
20th Anniversary of Anabah Maternity Centre
In June 2003, EMERGENCY opened a Maternity Centre in the Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan. Over the past 20 years, our team in Anabah, led by the women of Afghanistan, have admitted around 100,000 patients and delivered over 76,000 babies. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and working together with a network of 16…
“We work for EMERGENCY, because EMERGENCY works for our people.”
“Nursing here is a sacred job: our patients are our relatives, our people.” Gulbudin joined our Surgical Centre in Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan, when it opened in 2004. After attending university, he worked as a nurse in the wards and the Outpatients Department, then became the Outpatients Department Team Leader. Now, Gulbudin is Head Nurse at the…
World Refugee Day 2023
Refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs: a record 110 million people are displaced worldwide, forced to flee because of persecution, conflict, climate change and human rights violations. On World Refugee Day, we recognise the dangers and extreme difficulties that migrants face as countries in Europe and elsewhere adopt a hostile approach to those on the move. …
Achiek Has Finally Received the Care He Needs
Achiek was just 8 months old when he accidentally spilled boiling tea on his hand. The little boy lives with his mother in Bur, South Sudan, where the healthcare system struggles because of insufficient infrastructure and an acute shortage of healthcare workers. While the wounds on his hand eventually healed, his fingers curled inward and…
Nurse Osman Cares for the Children in Kabul
Meet Mohamad Osman, one of the nurses here at EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Kabul. Mohamad has been working at our hospital for 17 years, first in the intensive care unit and now as Team Leader of the children’s ward. He is passionate and gentle with everyone he meets. He takes care of our small patients,…
Report: Covid-19 Response in Africa and the COVAX Mechanism
COVID-19 RESPONSE IN AFRICA AND THE COVAX MECHANISM VOICES FROM THE FIELD: SIERRA LEONE, SUDAN, UGANDA The response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) was largely insufficient due to global vaccine inequality and systemic issues within healthcare structures. EMERGENCY’s latest report, produced together with Bocconi University’s CERGAS and DONDENA research centres,…
Bibi Came to Anabah for her 7th Pregnancy
At 40 years old, Bibi Hajar’s 7th pregnancy was not an easy one. She lives in Parian with her family, where she tends to their two cows and her husband earns his living by carrying stones. With the ongoing economic crisis in Afghanistan, they have little money and even less to eat. Bibi did not…
ACTIVITY REPORT 1994 – 2022: Cogs In The Wheel Of Peace
Thank you for this daily revolution of justice. Thank you above all to those of you who have chosen once again to help us this year, because you believe in the only possible choice: the choice to support those in need.
EMERGENCY’s Life Support: No Sign Of Boat In Distress With 500 On Board
One hypothesis could be that the engine has started working again and the boat is sailing towards Sicily, but we have no evidence of this.
“My family…are my biggest motivation for recovery.”
Ab Zahir was bringing groceries home on his motorcycle when he was hit by a car and immediately lost consciousness. A traffic policeman brought him to our Lashkar-Gah Surgical Centre. Originally set up for war victims, the needs of Helmand Province have changed as fighting has subsided in the region. Nevertheless, the specialist surgical care…
The Need for Diabetic Care in Afghanistan: Moqadas’s Story
On 30 March, EMERGENCY and CRIMEDIM released the report Access to Care in Afghanistan. While certain conditions like geographic mobility have improved in the country as fighting has subsided, many barriers remain to accessing care – especially for children like 12-year-old Moqadas, who has Type 1 Diabetes. Last year, Moqadas was admitted to our Anabah…
International Workers’ Day 2023
20 countries. Over 12 million people treated. EMERGENCY’s commitment to providing free, high-quality care is made possible by the incredible dedication of more than 3,700 workers worldwide. To our colleagues: thank you for all that you do. #InternationalWorkersDay
Gino Would Have Been 75 Today
Our founder Gino always worked to ease the suffering of others.
EMERGENCY’s Search And Rescue Ship Life Support Disembarks 55 People Rescued In The Central Mediterranean At Marina Di Carrara.
EMERGENCY’s Life Support concludes its fifth mission today. At sea since December 2022, it has rescued 619 people.
Meet Rozhgar And Zhino, Whose Dedication Helps Us Provide High-Quality Care In Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.
In 2022, the Orthopaedic Technicians at EMERGENCY’s Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre delivered 583 new prostheses. Colleagues like Rozhgar and Zhino make this possible. After graduating from Soran Prosthetics Institute, Rozhgar began her career as an ICU nurse. But, she says, “I was always seeking a way to help disabled people.” She joined EMERGENCY as an Orthopaedic…
Little Rabiullah is Eating Again!
Rabiullah lives with his parents and four siblings in the Panjshir Valley, where the cold winter weather and rising prices are making life more and more difficult. When Rabiullah was just 15 months old, he had severe respiratory distress and low levels of oxygen in his blood. When he was admitted to EMERGENCY’s Anabah Surgical…
Mine Awareness Day 2023
The children were playing in the garden when the IED exploded. They had found an old metal device that they said looked like a big bullet, and threw it away. 13-year-old Mohammad and his sister, 4-year-old Shamsia, were the closest. They come from a poor family in a remote village in Sangin district, Afghanistan. They…
Testimonies from Rescued People Onboard Life Support
EMERGENCY’s search and rescue ship Life Support began conducting missions in December 2022. Once the rescued people are onboard Life Support, we not only provide medical assistance but also bear witness to their stories. Below are just five of the stories we heard from the 161 people we rescued on 25 March 2023. Many spoke…
Access to Care in Afghanistan: Perspectives from Afghan People in 10 Provinces
EMERGENCY and CRIMEDIM, a research group from the Università del Piemonte Orientale, have released a new report that explores access to care across the country based on data and testimony from over 1,800 Afghans.
Ensuring High-Quality Paediatric Care In Refugee And IDP Camps In South Darfur
staff at our Paediatric Centre in Nyala are working on this as part of the project Objective of Good Health in Sudan: Strengthening Human Capital and Quality Paediatric Health Services in South Darfur.
Kabul: Explosion Near The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On Monday 27 March, an explosion took place near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul.
International Women’s Day 2023
On International Women’s Day, we want to share a story about two colleagues from our Anabah Maternity Centre who share a name and a purpose: to help the women of Afghanistan. Najila has been Midwife at the hospital for 5 years. At just 25 years old, she is already one of our shift leaders, acting…
105 People Rescued Overnight By Life Support
Late last night, EMERGENCY’s search and rescue ship Life Support received a report of a boat in distress in international waters off Libya.
EMERGENCY Is Helping Sangar Return To School
His prostheses have allowed Sangar to take back his future.
When He Left Nigeria, K. Was 14 Years Old.
“For two years I travelled alone, knowing that there was no one there to help me and that I was the only one who would take care of me. Many times I thought about my parents, who remained in Nigeria.” When he left Nigeria, K. was 14 years old. He was chosen by his family…
Koko Jamal is No Longer With Us
Koko Jamal is no longer with us. He was one of the longstanding figures in our Kabul Surgical Centre, working with us since 2002. As Driver Supervisor, he trained our teams of drivers for years, teaching them how to move around one of the most dangerous cities in the world, while ensuring the maximum safety…
Nabiullah Acts Older than His Years
In late November, a group of eight children between the ages of 2 and 10 arrived at our Kabul Surgical Centre. Nabiullah was among them, suffering from multiple shell injuries to his legs, feet, abdomen, and left hand. Nabiullah’s family is from Sorabi, near Kabul. He is just 7 years old, but acts older. He…
Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre Celebrates its 25th Anniversary
On 18 February, 1998, we opened our Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Center in Iraq. Today we are celebrating its 25th anniversary! Avan has been at the Center since the beginning, first as a patient and now as one of our colleagues. “We heard a lot of explosions and bullets, then suddenly a mortar hit…
Meet Our Amazing Colleagues at the Salam Centre
At our Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Khartoum, Sudan, the hard work of hundreds of colleagues makes our daily, life-saving care possible. Patients from 32 countries, from Burundi to Zimbabwe, have been treated here. We recently spoke with some of our colleagues about the facility and what they have achieved. COUNTRY DIRECTOR Muhameda Tulumovic…
‘ANME: Moving Forward’ Conference Concludes in Khartoum
On 1st and 2nd February, EMERGENCY and the Sudanese Federal Ministry of Health hosted the ‘ANME: Moving Forward’ conference in Khartoum,
Director-General of WHO Supports EMERGENCY’s Work in Africa
On 1 February, EMERGENCY hosted representatives from 15 African nations at our Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Khartoum, Sudan, as part of the 'African Network of Medical Excellence: Moving Forward' conference. We were honoured to receive the support of Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organization. In a video address…
EMERGENCY’s Paediatric Centre in Mayo – Providing Crucial Healthcare For The Local Population.
Among the Centre’s patients: Safu and her girls.
EMERGENCY and the Carter Center Collaborate in Mayo
On Wednesday 18 January, a delegation from the Carter Center visited our Paediatric Centre in Mayo, on the outskirts of Khartoum.
That Spirited Look Belongs To Hawa.
Hawa is 10 years old. Her story is very similar to the many we’ve become part of in Sudan and beyond.
Every Day, As Early As Dawn, A Long Queue Of Parents And Their Children Forms In Front Of The Mayo Paediatric Centre.
Of all the children that visit, most have gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases, infections involving the eyes, ears and skin, intestinal parasites or malaria.
Kabul, First Mass Casualty Of 2023
On Wednesday 11 January at 4pm, there was an explosion near the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul.
Afghanistan: Over 40 Patients Received At EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre in Kabul
More than 40 injured people were received at EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre for War Victims in Kabul.
EMERGENCY And Ogilvy Italy Turn Gino Strada’s Words Into Reality With AI. For A 2023 In The Name Of Peace.
The video has been released in Italy and worldwide through EMERGENCY’s social media channels, with the wish that this peace project will truly become a reality in 2023.
Training Local Colleagues in Port Sudan: Fatima, Mutasim and Bahaeldeen.
One of the main goals of each of our projects is continually training local colleagues, to transfer skills and create a positive impact on the country’s healthcare system over time.
We Can Make Peace Come True.
Gino Strada, our founder, used to say “to create a world without war, we have to imagine it first”.
Meet Nigar: One of the BBC’s 100 Women of 2022
“The support, both physically and mentally, that burn patients require is something I really wanted to provide. For me, becoming a nurse became a dream.” Nigar speaks to us from Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan. Nigar is a nurse, and one of the BBC’s 100 Most Inspiring and Influential Women of 2022. We are so happy that…
Our 2022.
Thank you for standing with EMERGENCY in our efforts to bring more healing to the world. We are looking forward to seeing what more we can accomplish together in 2023.
EMERGENCY NGO Statement: Women’s Education in Afghanistan
On 20 December 2022, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Higher Education announced a ban on women attending university with immediate effect until further notice. EMERGENCY is very concerned about this measure, which, if not removed, will have a long-term negative impact on our medical activities, and seriously affect Afghanistan’s ability to rebuild. In a country already in…
Emergency’s Life Support Vessel Completes First Rescue In Central Mediterranean. 70 People Rescued.
“All operations were carried out with promptly by the rescue team,” says Carlo Maisano, EMERGENCY’s SAR Project Coordinator
Life Support Launches First Search and Rescue Mission.
EMERGENCY is proud to join the civil fleet and defend human rights.
EMERGENCY’s Paediatric Centre In Port Sudan: The Only Hospital In One Of The Poorest Areas Of The City.
At our Paediatric Centre in Port Sudan, the only hospital located in one of the poorest areas of the city, we offer free and high-quality care to children up to the age of 14.
We Are Here For Jabar As He Rebuilds His Life.
So many patients have travelled up and down these steps over the years, becoming familiar with their prostheses. Jabar is one of them.
Primary Health Services For More Than 6 Million People
23 years ago, EMERGENCY opened a First Aid Post in Afghanistan.
International Day Of Persons With Disabilities 2022
Today and every day, EMERGENCY reaffirms its support for persons with disabilities by providing free, high-quality healthcare.
Faris’ Words Encapsulate The Extraordinary Work That Has Taken Place At The Rehabilitation Centre Since 1998.
“I have witnessed thousands of people return back to their daily life and community through EMERGENCY’s services.”
“Mohammed, Shall We Go Out in the Garden?”
Mohammed is six years old. It took four days for him to travel with his father and grandfather from his home on the border with Chad to arrive at EMERGENCY’s Paediatric Centre in Nyala, Sudan. His father, Alsadic, tells us, “I had heard about a hospital here in Nyala where children are treated free of…
Regional Programme for Cardiac Surgery in Africa: EMERGENCY’s Screening Mission in Mogadishu
EMERGENCY recently conducted its first cardiac screening mission in Somalia.
Meet Burhan and Shady: Two of Our Amazing Physios in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Being there for patients for as long as needed is crucial to the rehabilitation journey.
“I Could Finally Get Back to Living My Life”
Othman’s powerful story of rehabilitation and recovery.
Kabul: Amongst the Survivors of the 30 September Attack on an Education Centre
They are a young generation of Afghans who have never seen anything but war, but have dreams for their future.
“The New Generations Have The Right To Their Future”
Despite the violence, Rahman is convinced: he does not want to leave his country.
Thank You For Once Again Showing Trust in Our Work.
You are the people that support us to go on providing lifesaving care.
EBOLA IN UGANDA: Our Measures to Protect EMERGENCY’s Facility, Staff, and Patients from Ebola.
On 20 September, the Ugandan authorities announced an outbreak of Ebola in Mubende district.
We look after so many patients in Afghanistan: behind every wound lies the story of a country torn apart by years, decades of war.
Afghanistan: Attack in a Mosque at the Interior Ministry
“At approximately 2pm, we started to receive some patients with injuries and burns, but there was no news yet about any explosion or attack.”
Nine Years On – Tragedy Continues
We take a different stance, grounded in solidarity, rights and humanity.
“It’s My Duty As a Doctor to Ensure It.”
Enok has worked with us since 2019, when we began contributing to work at the hospital’s newly opened cardiology clinics.
KABUL: Explosion in Dasht-e-Barchi.
A total of 22 patients, including 20 women, have been received at EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre for War Victims in Kabul following the suicide attack that took place this morning, 30 September.
World Heart Day 2022
On #WorldHeartDay, we share the latest on EMERGENCY’s approach to Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD). A sustainable model, showing that it is possible and right to provide free, quality surgery and care to everyone in need
“Together, We’re Doing a Great Job for Humanity.”
Shadman is part of the incredible team here which is dedicated to restoring lives that have been disrupted by the fallout of war.
International Day of Peace 2022
Protecting people’s health and dignity contributes to building peace.
‘Where Is Our Father?’
“I was following my father when, suddenly, he stepped on a mine.”
“This Is an All Too Common Occurrence”.
“Dead on arrival. 11:56am.
Mohammad’s Story Shows the Legacy of War in Afghanistan.
One of those objects, however, was an unexploded mine.
We Continue to Be There for the Afghan People.
The spotlight may have moved away from Afghanistan.
But EMERGENCY hasn’t.
We Are Not Abandoning Afghanistan.
A year ago, the eyes of the world were on Afghanistan.
To Gino Strada, in Loving Memory.
His legacy is imprinted forever in our mandate.
Today, 13 August, Marks One Year Since Gino Left Us.
We do so because we still need to and with the knowledge that – if we continue walking today – it is also because someone before us had the strength to take the first step.
Wave of Protests in Sierra Leone: 14 Injured People Received, An EMERGENCY Vehicle Caught Up in the Violence
The wave of protests that began against the cost-of-living, economic crisis, and the inability to strike is generating violent clashes throughout Sierra Leone.
When You Are Providing Primary Healthcare, Your Approach Is Essential
In this video, our colleague Andrea tells us about the evolution of our intervention in Moldova,
Our Work Here is Crucial.
Our work here is crucial. The Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre has been restoring people’s autonomy for 24 years. There is lots more to do.
Earthquake in Afghanistan: EMERGENCY Took Part in The Medical Response To The Disaster
During the night between 21 and 22 June, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck the south-eastern area of Afghanistan, in the provinces of Khost and Paktika on the border with north-western Pakistan. The tremor, which occurred at around 11 p.m. (CET), was felt within felt within a 500km radius of the epicentre as far as Pakistan…
“I Chose to Join EMERGENCY for Constant, Daily Training”
“My work is valuable. You have to be in love with it and be patient and careful. When you love what you do, everything is possible.”
“The Lye Programme Saved My Life”
For a full year after her accident, Aisha had to be fed by her mother from a bottle.
Sierra Leone: Alie, two-years-old, has already fallen victim to lye.
Alie’s family did not know what to do about his accident. To ease his pain, they gave him palm oil to drink.
Sierra Leone: Swallowing Lye Is Still One Of The Main Causes Of Admission Of Child Patients At Our Surgical Centre In Goderich.
Swallowing of lye is still one of the main causes of admission of child patients at our Surgical Centre in Goderich.
We Maintain Our Focus
fghanistan has been trampled on by war and its recent abandonment by the international community.
We Will Continue to Take Care of Him.
He still struggles to walk: we will now wait for him at the hospital for physiotherapy sessions.
A Story That Is All Too Familiar in Afghanistan
J. arrived at our hospital in Kabul around two months ago, together with his two little cousins. All three were injured when a landmine exploded. They were playing when they found a small object. It looked like it was made of steel. It exploded when J. tried to open it. The three cousins were all…
ISHKAR Launch Photography Print Sale for Afghanistan
Our amazing friends at ISHKAR have launched a stunning photography print sale for the third year in a row, with all proceeds going towards EMERGENCY’s projects in Afghanistan. 19 internationally-renowned photographers have donated their work, including Steve McCurry, Zahra Khodadadi, Lorenzo Tugnoli, Farshad Usyan, Andrew Quilty, Elise Blanchard, Matthieu Paley, Michael Christopher Brown, and many…
EMERGENCY Providing Medical Response After Earthquake in Afghanistan
We have sent staff and 7 ambulances to support relief efforts & transport the injured to our First Aid Posts. We have also made beds available in the Kabul Surgical Centre.
From Khartoum To Entebbe: Asma’s Story
“My colleagues not only gave me this opportunity: they always inspired me.”
Building Medical Excellence in Africa Also Means Investing in People, Who Will Put Their Skills at the Disposal of Their Patients.
They are doctors and nurses coming from the Uganda Heart Institute in Kampala.
“If We Can Share Resources, We Can Generate Beauty.”
In the words of Luisa, our Medical Coordinator in Uganda, the Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe aims “to hand over the hospital to local staff”, who are fully involved in the current management and functioning of the facility. As well as providing free and high-quality surgery to children up to 14 years of age, EMERGENCY…
Misha Found Many ‘Aunties’ – As He Calls Them.
Last March, Tetyana and her son Misha arrived in Moldova after leaving Odessa in Ukraine.
The Pride And Determination Of Every Parent
Clever and his father arrived at our hospital in Entebbe last November after a 10-hour bus ride from Fort Portal on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
How to Guarantee Humanitarian Aid to the Afghan People After August 2021?
A Humanitarian Health Organisation’s Perspective.
It Seems Like The Most Important Thing In His Life.
Micola is sitting outside the Mobile Clinic waiting to be triaged. He holds in his hands a canvas bag containing his passport and results from previous clinical exams. He is 82 years old and arrived in Moldova after a two-day journey. He lost his wife many years ago and had no relatives in Kyiv, his…
“My dream? To Have Hospitals Like This All Over the Country.”
“Elizabeth is a very determined person,” says Giacomo Menaldo, Country Director. “She understands the importance of this hospital. She could have earned much more money elsewhere, but working alongside our doctors is exactly what spurs her on.” This is how Giacomo, our Country Director in Uganda, introduces Elizabeth, a Ugandan colleague at the Children’s Surgical…
The Children’s House
One year ago, EMERGENCY opened the state-of-the-art Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe, Uganda, which puts the human right to healthcare into practice every day. It is above all a place that provides hope to its young patients and their families. Combining medical, architectural and environmental excellence, the hospital is home to over 380 local and…
Joint Declaration Signed by 12 African Health Authority Delegations
Following a roundtable discussion, a Joint Declaration was signed, laying out the commitments that will guide the next steps for the African Network of Medical Excellence.
One Year of Activities at the Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe
Our first year in numbers.
International Nurses Day 2022
Today, we celebrate all the incredible nurses around the world.
“Several Come Back, Even If Only to Say Thank You and That They Feel Better.”
“They often show us photos of their children, their home, their pets… thus starting the process of reconstructing the temporal continuity interrupted by the war, tying together that ‘before’ and ‘after’.”
International Day of the Midwife 2022
To all the midwives who have worked here, and the team at the hospital today, thank you.
N. Only Draws Moving Cars and A House to Leave From.
A. thanks us because she has found a “safe place” where she can cry and vent her anguish without fear of falling apart.
Afghanistan’s Health System Is in Critical Condition. We Are Here to Support It.
Shekiba tells us the blunt reality of conditions in Afghanistan.
Two Explosions Rocked Kabul This Morning
This is yet another demonstration that, although attention to the situation in Afghanistan has waned, the country is not at peace.
‘Peace’ Is the Only Word They Tell Me in English
They want to return to Mykolaïv to hug their son and grandson.
“We Are Committed to This Project.”
EMERGENCY is supporting the social and medical needs of the victims of this war.
“Best Performing Medical Emergency Response Team”
An award for supporting the country at the most difficult times.
We Will Be Here As Long As We Need to Be.
As this crisis evolves, we are working with the Moldovan authorities to further strengthen our presence and services.
Eleonora, EMERGENCY’s Medical Coordinator in Kabul, on Sunday’s Explosion
EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre received a large influx of patients.
Mine Awareness Day 2022
We treat the atrocious consequences of this explosive violence.
EMERGENCY Hosted A Ceremony Welcoming The New Group Of Medical Students For This Academic Year.
We believe the future is theirs. Even more so, we believe they are the future.
UKRAINE CRISIS: The EU and Member States Must Now Work Together to Put Commitments into Practice
the European Union can come together to uphold its values of respect for human rights and protecting those fleeing persecution, war and violence.
“To Build A Society Without That Terrible Disease, Which Is War.”
Emanuele Nannini, EMERGENCY’s Country Director in Afghanistan, joined a roundtable last Tuesday, where he shared how hospitals perceive the current status of humanitarian aid in the country. “Healthcare is always one of the most affected areas, just as it is now. Access to it is still a privilege. Our hospitals are free of charge but…
We Are Here To Stay.
We are here to ensure rural communities have access to healthcare.
EMERGENCY’s Politruck in Moldova to Support the Victims of Ukraine’s Conflict
Thanks to the Mobile Outpatient Clinic, we will be able to operate in various places, and to promptly respond to any needs that may arise from this unpredictable situation.
International Women’s Day 2022
Women’s rights are human rights.
An EMERGENCY Team Is On Ukraine’s Borders With Romania And Moldova To Assess Humanitarian Needs And Evaluate Potential Projects To Provide Care To Those Affected By The Conflict.
“We are assessing all possibilities for EMERGENCY’s intervention both inside and on the borders of Ukraine”.
Rossella Miccio, president of EMERGENCY, at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council.
Today, our president Rossella Miccio shared EMERGENCY’s strong stance in defence of human rights in Afghanistan with UN Human Rights Council. “Urgent and coordinated action is needed now to rebuild #Afghanistan. Investing in health must be a priority.”
Covid-19 Death Toll Four Times Higher in Lower-Income Countries than Rich Ones
3 million people died since the Omicron variant emerged, shattering perceptions that the pandemic is over.
Providing Vital Care for the Afghan People.
“Everyone knows the situation here. The needs increase day by day.”
EMERGENCY Will Always Believe in and Strive For a World Free From War.
Our thoughts are with all the civilians in the path of this violence.
Today, He Is an Enterprising Father and, Above All, a Happy Man.
Rizgar was just 21 years old when unexploded ordnance changed his life forever.
A Family’s Story, Which We Have Just Become Part of.
Elijah was born with a small mass on his left arm.
EU Set to Bin 25 Million More Vaccine Doses than It Has Donated to Africa This Year
Europe has betrayed Africa by blocking proposals which would allow manufacturers on the continent to make their own COVID-19 vaccines.
We Are Here for Jalal. We Are Here for All Afghans.
“The hospital has never closed its operating theatres.
I Started to Believe in All My Possibilities.
I was born with several congenital deformities, which affected my left leg and both hands.
One Year Ago, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Came into Force.
By prohibiting development, testing, deployment, possession, stockpiling, use and threat of use, the TPNW aims at total nuclear disarmament.
100 Seconds Remain Until Midnight.
The hands of the Doomsday Clock occupy exactly the same position as they did a year ago, but it is not good news.
Do You Remember Mamadou from Guinea?
We received a very special photo from Guinea!
A Network of More than 40 Facilities
In 21 years, our clinics have provided over 5 million outpatient visits and more than 120,000 ambulance transfers.
With the Help of EMERGENCY I Managed to Find My Way
At ‘Best Shoes’, Ako ensures a dignified life for him and his family. Ako has been living with a severe disability since he was 11: he lost his left hand, part of his right hand, and one eye completely due to a landmine. “I was a child. I was returning to my village, Gawrade, together…
“We had a Long History of Treating War Wounded.”
Year 23 of EMERGENCY’s commitment to Afghanistan begins.
We Will Make The Right to Treatment a Real, Universal One – and a Precondition of Peace.
We want to go on providing a practical response to the needs of the most vulnerable among us, and we will.
Our Paediatric Centre in Port Sudan Celebrated 10 Years of Activity.
“For this special birthday, I express a single wish: to continue to be there, to be able to treat more and more children.” A few days ago, our Paediatric Centre in Port Sudan celebrated 10 years of activity. “Since 2011, we have carried out over 202,000 outpatient visits and admitted over 11,000 patients. 1,400 boys…
EMERGENCY and Ogilvy Ask Us To Reflect on the Consequences of War Through the Eyes of Those Who Experienced It.
Just like every year, EMERGENCY and Ogilvy are back with a wish for the year ahead.
May It Be a year of Peace, Not War.
This is the story of a mother and her tough decision.
Peaceful greetings from everyone at EMERGENCY.
We wish all those celebrating a very happy festive season.
Let’s Channel the Holiday Spirit into One of Solidarity
Everything has changed in Afghanistan.
A Vital Delivery in Afghanistan.
Caring means not forgetting those in need.
International Migrants Day 2021
Continued division and the fortification of borders will never be the answer.
“They Trust Me.”
For many women here, Florence is like a mother, a sister, an aunt.
International Day of People With Disabilities 2021
Today, we pay tribute to everyone at the Sulaymaniyah Rehabilitation Centre and all those living with disabilities.
Apparently Inaccessible Places Must Have Access to Healthcare for Everyone in Need.
A few days ago we inaugurated a new facility in Dayek,
World AIDS Day 2021: We Cannot Allow It to Happen Again With COVID-19.
In the AIDS crisis, pharma companies made vast profits as millions were left behind. History is repeating itself today.
“The situation in Afghanistan is Uncertain and Precarious.”
There seems to be no possibility for peace or respite for the people of this country.”
We Are Here to Help During This Difficult Time For the Country
On 5 November, a fuel tanker exploded in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2021
“It took us three hours to find her. She was unrecognisable. It was her who recognised us.”
More Than 12,000 Children Have Been Seen in the One Year Since Our Paediatric Centre in Nyala Reopened.
“The humanitarian situation in South Darfur is very difficult. A large part of the population lives in extreme poverty without access to basic health services. The high rate of malnutrition makes the needs of the youngest children increasingly urgent.”
An Enormous Thank You to ISHKAR.
Earlier this year, our amazing friends at ISHKAR started a photography print fundraiser for EMERGENCY’s healthcare projects across Afghanistan.
#LittleAmal’s Journey is Coming to an End, But Her Story Won’t.
The thread of solidarity, inclusion and diversity she created throughout Europe must stay intact.
“I Have Witnessed Fighting- That is All.”
Elise Blanchard, journalist and photographer for Agence France-Presse (AFP), has collected children’s stories from across Afghanistan.
A Meeting at Our Mobile Clinic that Made Us Extremely Happy.
This is Mohammed. We first met him in Milan almost a year ago through our Italy Programme, which provides free healthcare and social support to marginalised people and communities. He comes from The Gambia and arrived in Italy in 2013, landing in Lampedusa. Before going to sea, he had been detained in a prison in Libya. He managed to escape, along…
Kabul: Explosions Followed by Gunfire at the Entrance to the Military Hospital
We received 21 patients, one of whom was dead on arrival.
Gino Strada’s Words in Afghanistan20 Bring Home the Enormous Costs of the Conflict in Afghanistan
In October 2001, another twenty-year chapter of the war in Afghanistan began.
There was a Doll With Blonde Hair and a Yellow Dress Above Her Bed.
There was a doll with blonde hair and a yellow dress above the bed, looking at her owner – Amina.
We Stand With the Sudanese People
Sudan is going through a moment of instability.
Still Helping with Cardiac Treatment at Orotta Hospital in Asmara, Eritrea.
In early July 2021 began the second phase of our ‘Emergency initiative in support of the cardiology clinic at Orotta Hospital in Eritrea’.
Pharmaceutical Companies And Rich Nations Delivering Just One in Seven of The Doses Promised For Developing Countries
Firms and rich nations continue to block moves to share vaccine technology and recipes
AFGHANISTAN20: Afghanistan Between 2001-2021 from the Perspective of Its Victims and Those Treating Them.
To produce Afghanistan20, EMERGENCY collected first-hand testimonies and analysed data relating to all war-wounded patients admitted to its three hospitals and 44 First Aid Posts over the last two decades.
He Was Hit in the Head by Shrapnel
Maidan Shahr is a town around 50km from Kabul, on the main road from the capital to Kandahar.
“It Was a Beautiful Moment of Condolence and Friendship.”
Luca Rolla, EMERGENCY’s Country Director in Sudan, has sent us good news from Khartoum!
No More War
On 7 October 2001, the US Air Force started bombing Afghanistan. 20 years on, EMERGENCY’s hospitals across the country have treated thousands of war victims. Giles Duley visited our Kabul Surgical Centre to photograph those wounded by the conflict: men, women, children – names, not numbers. EMERGENCY x Massive Attack x Legacy of War Foundation come together to deplore the human devastation caused by conflict and say: no more war. Credits 8mm film, photography & narration: Giles Duley for Legacy Of War Foundation Construction: Robert Del Naja Editor /…
They Threw a Rock at It, for Fun.
Nadir, 12, and his cousin Hassan, 10, were walking back to their house when a small metal object caught their attention.
World Heart Day: Senait from Eritrea
Senait is a 37-year-old woman and mother of three. She has a heart condition that she has never been able to have treated. As a result, she becomes weak very easily.
Every Refugee’s Walk Should Be One of Hope Like Amal’s
Whilst on her 8,000-mile-journey, searching for her mother and a better future, Amal found EMERGENCY in Rome, Bologna, and Milan.
Finally, She’s Nearly Here!
Finally, she’s nearly here! We are looking forward to welcoming a very special guest to our headquarters on Saturday…
Pharmaceutical Companies Reaping Immoral Profits From Covid Vaccines Yet Paying Low Tax Rates
Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer cashing in thanks to taxpayer investments, monopolies, and low taxes while leaving millions unprotected.
“Hi Soran, It’s Dr Gino. How Are you?”
One month ago, on 13 August, Gino left us. Today we remember him through the words of Soran, whom Gino met in 1996.
Afghanistan: Taliban Reach Anabah, Panjshir Valley
EMERGENCY’S ANABAH HOSPITAL RECEIVED A SMALL NUMBER OF WOUNDED PATIENTS. During the night of Friday 3 September, Taliban forces pushed further into the Panjshir Valley, reaching the village of Anabah where EMERGENCY’s Surgical Centre and Maternity Centre are located. There has so far been no interference with EMERGENCY’s activities. We have received a small number…
Our Work in Anabah Continues, as It Does Across Afghanistan.
EMERGENCY runs two major hospitals in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley: the Anabah Maternity Centre, and the Surgical & Paediatric Centre – providing free, high-quality healthcare to people living in the province and beyond.
Terrible Violence Hits Kabul
Terrible violence hit Kabul today. Explosions in the vicinity of the airport, packed with people trying to leave the country, have left dozens of people dead and wounded.⠀⠀ The EMERGENCY Kabul Surgical Centre received a massive influx of patients almost immediately. We can confirm over 60 patients arrived so far, with more than a dozen…
Gino Strada. 1948-2021.
Gino Strada. 1948-2021. War surgeon, founder of EMERGENCY, and our driving force. His obituary in The New York Times today.
BBC Last Word Celebrates Gino Strada
“He was absolutely dedicated to helping humanity. His whole life was dedicated to that one cause….He was somebody that believed in the end of war. He believed that, as a surgeon, he had to find the root cause of the problem for his patients, and the root cause of that problem was war – and…
EMERGENCY’s Healthcare Network Is Open and Treating Whoever Is in Need.
“Yesterday, we received five patients with gunshot wounds from the airport.”
Charlotte Bellis Reports from EMERGENCY’s Kabul Surgical Centre for Al Jazeera English.
“For two days, the hospital was overflowing, they added extra beds.”
EMERGENCY: Situation Is Stabilising in Kabul But Clashes Continue At The Airport
Number of War-Wounded Patients Received Increases in Panjshir
“Our Beloved Gino”.
Gino Strada, EMERGENCY’s founder, left us today. He was 73 years old and spent his life making the world a better place. He worked as a war surgeon with the International Red Cross, and founded EMERGENCY in 1994 to offer free treatment to war victims and bring high-quality healthcare to countries affected by war and…
We Love You Gino.
Our beloved Gino died this morning.
Afghanistan: EMERGENCY’s Healthcare Facilities in Lashkar-Gah And Maidan Shahr Hit By Rockets And Bullets
Two of EMERGENCY’s healthcare facilities in Afghanistan have been hit by crossfire in the last 24 hours.
Lashkar- Gah: “We Are Here to Help.”
Fighting has been ongoing for days now in Lashkar-Gah, Southern Afghanistan. It is also near our hospital.
Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan. EMERGENCY: “Hospitals Are Not A Target”.
“We are receiving wounded patients. We ask all parties to respect this facility and ensure it is not put in danger. HOSPITALS ARE NOT A TARGET!”
Your Work Is Immense, As Is Your Courage.
Nurses, doctors, logisticians, technicians, guards, cleaners… our local colleagues in Lashkar-Gah, Afghanistan.
ISHKAR for EMERGENCY: Second Print Sale to Support Our Hospitals in Afghanistan
The prints are available at special, one-off prices for six weeks only.
Fighting Continued in the Centre of Lashkar-Gah Last Night.
There was heavy shelling, they used machine guns, and shots were fired from helicopters – it was loud.
Afghanistan: Fighting Rages in Helmand Province. Patients Are Arriving in Need of Major Surgery.
The Taliban are now advancing towards Lashkar-Gah – the capital of Helmand province.
Afghanistan: Fighting Reaches the City Of Lashkar-Gah.
We heard bombing from the hospital throughout the night and the morning, plus small arms fire, machine guns, snipers and artillery
Vaccine Monopolies Make Cost Of Vaccinating The World Against Covid At Least 5 Times More Expensive Than It Could Be
New analysis by the Alliance shows that the firms Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.
It Is Time For a Ceasefire – More Violence Can Never Be the Solution.
UNAMA’s latest report confirms that the situation in war-torn Afghanistan is dire.
Afghanistan: The Situation Is Steadily Worsening
Nassir, a survivor of the conflict in Afghanistan, tells us his story.
Afghanistan: Rockets Land Close To The Presidential Palace In Kabul
“We heard the impact from our Surgical Centre for War Victims very well, as we are only a few hundred metres away,” said Marco Puntin.
Today, He Cannot Imagine Any Future.
Jalad Khan suffered serious injuries to his lower limbs and stomach.
Since the Start of the Project, We Have Supported Over 5,000 Households in Italy.
In Milan, Rome, Naples, Piacenza, Catanzaro, Varese and Catania we continue to pack and distribute parcels, working with local organisations to help those in need every week.
The Violence Continues to Worsen in Afghanistan.
There was a 29% increase in civilian casualties from the violence in the first four months of this year compared to last.
A Third Wave of COVID-19 Has Overwhelmed Afghanistan
According to sources, positives cases increased by 2,400 percent in June alone.
This Time It’s to Uganda.
Dr Stefano may be pictured leaning up against these words, but they mean so much more than just paint on a wall.
“Thank Goodness You Are Here.’
Rasha stands by the lectern, listening to Michela talk and point her laser at the big screen.
World Blood Donor Day 2021
Today, we thank all those who give blood, and also call for future blood donors.
G7 Support for Pharma Monopolies Is Putting Millions of Lives at Risk
The self-interest of G7 countries is the biggest obstacle to ending the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of campaigning organizations said today
“EMERGENCY Is Open for People Here and Always Will Be, Inshallah”.
In Afghanistan, Alberto helps promoting a culture of peace in the way we know best
“Why Global Surgery? Why Now?”
To work globally, surgery needs a global approach.
More than a Million COVID Deaths in 4 Months Since G7 Leaders Failed to Break Vaccine Monopolies
At current vaccination rate low income countries would be waiting 57 years for everyone to be fully vaccinated More than a million people have died from COVID since G7 leaders last met back in February, when they made vague pledges to increase the global vaccine supply, but crucially failed to collectively back the waiver of…
This Is Our Daily Reminder that the Conflict Rages on.
Our hospitals are constantly busy.
Celebrating the Life of Vartan Gregorian
EMERGENCY USA is saddened to learn of the passing of Vartan Gregorian, Co-Founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and member of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee. An upcoming Aurora Dialogues Online event on June 5, 2021 at 10am EST entitled “Vartan Gregorian. The Aurora Co-Founder,” will focus on his extraordinary life as Aurora Humanitarian Initiative’s Co-Founder,…
Yemen: Training Healthcare Workers in Pre-Hospital Trauma Care
The room is clean, quiet and well lit. Before us are doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers, but none of them are wearing their white coats. They’re in their own clothes – jackets and shirts, some of them even fancy ones. ‘What time is it?’ ‘Nine.’ ‘OK. Let’s get started.’ We’re inside Al-Thawra Hospital in Sana’a,…
“Peace Can Be Achieved If Our People Can Both Aspire for It and Are Given the Means To Achieve It.”
This is Said Hakim, Team Leader at EMERGENCY’s Kabul Surgical Centre.
COVID Vaccines Create 9 New Billionaires With Combined Wealth Greater than Cost of Vaccinating World’s Poorest Countries
Key members of the G20, who meet tomorrow, including the UK and Germany, are blocking moves to boost supply by ending companies’ monopoly control of vaccine production
Rossella Miccio, President of EMERGENCY, for the GOLA Podcast
In the episode, our president Rossella Miccio explains the lifeline delivery service that we developed, and the long-term medical and psychological intervention we provide to vulnerable people in our healthcare facilities and mobile clinics around Italy.
Behind this logo are the over 11 million people we have treated, and all those we will treat.
How Can Strengthened Healthcare for Migrants Foster Health for All?
27 May, 10:00 – 12:00 CET
I Really Wish I Could See This Hospital Empty One Day
International Nurses Day is an opportunity to celebrate Zabihullah and all his nurse colleagues in Afghanistan, who give care and hope to the thousands of war victims that enter our wards every year.
Life Cannot Wait
Our surgeons had to perform a caesarean section.
Ready to Do What He Knows Best: Be a Doctor.
“Who am I? That’s a complicated question.
What I know for now, is that I am a doctor.
Afghanistan: Bomb Near School Kills Dozens of Students
EMERGENCY’S SURGICAL CENTRE FOR WAR VICTIMS HAS RECEIVED 26 INJURED PATIENTS AND ONE PERSON DEAD ON ARRIVAL At least 40 people have been killed and 52 more injured by a bomb explosion near a school in the Dasht-e-Barchi area in Kabul this afternoon, according to local sources. Marco Puntin, EMERGENCY’s Programme Coordinator in Afghanistan, said:…
EMERGENCY is Delighted that the Biden Administration Has Heeded the Alliance’s Call.
This is the decision the world needed
International Day of the Midwife
Thank you to our midwife colleagues. They stand for women and provide quality care, despite the pandemic, despite the conflict, despite everything that comes their way.
Surge in Admissions at Our Hospital for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah.
EMERGENCY: WIDESPREAD CLASHES IN HELMAND. SURGE IN ADMISSIONS AT OUR HOSPITAL FOR WAR VICTIMS IN LASHKAR-GAH. EMERGENCY can confirm that it is receiving large numbers of war-wounded patients at its Surgical Centre for War Victims in Lashkar-Gah, Helmand Province, as a result of widespread clashes in the area. Since 1 May, the hospital has received…
International Workers Day 2021
Because on International Workers Day
“For the Excellence of the Care Offered by EMERGENCY”.
This medal was presented to us by the President of Sierra Leone…
“A New Piece of EMERGENCY’s Story Has Begun”.
“Today, that dream is finally a reality”
“We’ve Finally Opened the Doors to Our Little Patients.”
“Last time I was here, this hospital was still under construction.”
We Are Open in Uganda
The new Children’s Surgical Hospital in Entebbe has begun clinical activities!
EMERGENCY’s Children’s Surgical Hospital, Set To Become a Referral Point for the African Continent, Opens in Uganda
Designed By Renzo Piano Building Workshop And Studio Tamassociati, The Centre Combines Medical And Architectural Excellence On The Banks Of Lake Victoria
Everything is Ready for this New Chapter to Begin.
another milestone in our path to medicine, human rights and equality.
Welcome to Entebbe, Uganda
An idea that was born years ago has become a reality…
EMERGENCY on Biden announcement: “As always, it is Afghan civilians that will suffer”
After 20 years of war, President Joe Biden has announced the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.
Former Heads Of State And Nobel Laureates Call On President Biden To Waive Intellectual Property Rules For Covid Vaccines
The letter was sent to the White House as U.S. health authorities advised a pause in the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.
International Mine Awareness Day 2021
Days in these mine-infested fields begin like any other, whether they will irreversibly alter someone’s life or not.
President of Afghanistan Declares ‘Unwavering Support’ for a People’s Vaccine for COVID-19
The President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has joined world leaders and experts in an appeal for equitable and fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
Two-Thirds of Epidemiologists Warn Mutations Could Render Current COVID Vaccines Ineffective in a Year or Less
New survey from People’s Vaccine Alliance shows urgency of vaccinating all countries Epidemiologists, from some of the world’s leading academic institutions, delivered a stark warning today of the risk the world is taking by failing to ensure all countries have sufficient vaccines to protect people from COVID-19. In a survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28…
OPEN ARMS – EMERGENCY: 219 Survivors On Board The Open Arms Vessel.
After conducting a rescue mission on Saturday and spending Sunday assessing the area, the Open Arms vessel, with EMERGENCY personnel on board, has just completed another rescue operation of two other boats in distress in the Maltese SAR zone.
“I Hope They will Become Good People”
The Panjshir Valley in Afghanistan. Now one of the most peaceful areas of a country that has, for too long, been stricken with conflict. Nonetheless, mines and other unexploded devices persist. Reminders of the war that once dominated the valley, and constant, everyday dangers to be navigated by the locals. Miyam Ahmad is a 49-year-old father of three, left wounded by…
Abir and a More Long-Term Form of Therapy.
“Nursing isn’t easy. But I love it”.
On 11 March 2020, the WHO Declared a Global Pandemic. One Year On, We Have a Vaccine But We Must Have a #PeoplesVaccine for Everyone, Everywhere.
Heath is a human right. The global COVID-19 vaccination campaign is a chance for the world to prove it. On 11 March 2020, the WHO declared a global pandemic. One year on, we have a vaccine that can bring an end to the damage and suffering caused by COVID-19, but inequality and greed are once again proving to…
Rich Nations Vaccinating One Person Every Second While Majority of the Poorest Nations Are Yet to Give a Single Dose
US, UK and EU blocking proposals at WTO to help poorer countries get vaccines more quickly
Darfur is Where Her Story Begins…Twice.
Nawader’s smile represents a long journey from Darfur to Khartoum and back again.
International Women’s Day 2021
To all women..
EMERGENCY Welcomed the Uganda Heart Institute’s Training Board Committee
These photos come from Khartoum as we welcomed the Uganda Heart Institute’s Training Board Committee to our Salam Centre for Cardiac Surgery in Sudan.
“Our Response to the Current Medical Crisis Cannot Ignore People Trapped in Other Crises”
“S is 31 years old. He arrived in Italy a little over a month ago, having made an exhausting journey on foot from Pakistan to Milan, via the Balkan route. To make the journey even harder, one of his feet was horribly broken and went untreated.”
“Together, We Want to Prove That the Spirit of Solidarity Hasn’t Gone Away.”
‘Nobody Left Behind’ is us being there, giving up our time, to help those who are most in need now.
Open Arms and EMERGENCY Have Just Landed 146 People at Porto Empedocle, After Saving Them at Sea in Two Operations Under Difficult Conditions and Pressure From Libya’s So-Called Coast Guard
Last night the ship Open Arms, with EMERGENCY workers on board, reached Porto Empedocle, the designated harbour for the 146 people it has rescued in the last few days.
EMERGENCY Wins the EESC Civil Solidarity Prize
We are honoured to announce that EMERGENCY has won the EESC Civil Solidarity Prize today, for its “outstanding contribution to fighting COVID-19 and its disastrous consequences.” Thank you to the European Economic And Social Committee for choosing us. This award represents important recognition of our healthcare model and an endorsement of our aim to ensure that nobody…
EMERGENCY Wins Eesc Civil Solidarity Prize for Its Cross-Border Battle With the Pandemic
The Italian NGO EMERGENCY is among 23 projects from the EU and the UK that have received the award for their outstanding contribution to fighting COVID-19 and its disastrous consequences. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has awarded the Civil Solidarity Prize to the humanitarian NGO EMERGENCY for its invaluable role on the front…
Monopolies Causing “Artificial Rationing” in COVID-19 Crisis as 3 Biggest Global Vaccine Giants Sit on Sidelines
The supply of safe and effective vaccines for all is being artificially rationed because of the protection of exclusive rights and monopolies of pharmaceutical corporations, the People’s Vaccine Alliance said today. The alliance warned that the three biggest vaccine companies in the world are largely sitting on the sidelines – they currently plan to produce…
“That Little Gesture Moved Me.”
Nessuno Escluso’ – Nobody Left Behind: An EMERGENCY initiative to support some of the most vulnerable people in Italy who have been left in a precarious position due to the coronavirus pandemic.