Kifatullah’s New Toy Exploded

Kifatullah, like most 9-year-olds, likes to play with his friends. One morning, they found something new to play with. They didn’t realise the object was leftover from the decades of war in Afghanistan. When it exploded, one of the children…

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Surgery Saved Omar’s Life

The operation saved his life. Seven-year-old Omar lives in Afghanistan, a country still recovering from more than four decades of war. In April, Omar and two of his family members were rushed to the Kabul Surgical Centre after a landmine…

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Mine Awareness Day 2023

The children were playing in the garden when the IED exploded. They had found an old metal device that they said looked like a big bullet, and threw it away. 13-year-old Mohammad and his sister, 4-year-old Shamsia, were the closest…

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