“There are no safe places in Gaza.”

In recent weeks, the EMERGENCY team in Gaza has been conducting site visits for a health clinic that will provide essential first aid and medical care. Stefano Sozza, Head of Mission, provides an update on the humanitarian situation: There are no safe…

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Conditions continue to deteriorate. Humanitarian activities face major obstacles. One year of war and neglect: Sudan today Among the obstacles are continuous electricity blackouts and interruptions to the internet and telecommunications networks; exponentially increased fuel prices; shortages of basic goods;…

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World Refugee Day 2023

Refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs: a record 110 million people are displaced worldwide, forced to flee because of persecution, conflict, climate change and human rights violations.   On World Refugee Day, we recognise the dangers and extreme difficulties that migrants face as…

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International Migrants Day

Borders too often act as barriers. Countries should be refuges instead of obstacles to basic human rights. Migrants are not the danger. Intolerance is. https://www.facebook.com/emergencyuk.ngo/videos/2274195982681197/?__xts__[0]=68.ARA56GAwRqgQl-1of4fegGqyIEppNZ1A5AiHIaFNX3Gz0R65JSLd5xHWOCCAdlNkeEo8h8F9r2se3Ca5QJzdnoE6j2wPIRk2vi2GtSHkgtiLQxNaYrwOUWHMnT_DD84dgxpqh2a7fXnd3u2l0_vldUettuxLMAtChrJLQB03WyCzj4CwxQCaVcrKEP1_vD1JS3bgtml7kwwtbskp3jE1jcGx0gmLI4SVTPTot1-poxblh4DamW3ESBpV-Z-qoykNnkb-qAoq55Zuv264R76VfrNHYE9FcHOoOIS9iwO7Ojyk2IxLuDLWGA9GvqJ68PWIcHmKokxRSzTmIdjpQgQ-XN3Ob1jBLEjWmx580A&__tn__=-R   This is the desperation that Europe continues to ignore. Names, stories, identities, hopes, dreams,…

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